Leftovers, Reinvented

Brad and I own a graphic design studio. Which means we spend pretty much all day, everyday, together. Call me crazy, somehow it works.

For the first 3 years, our studio operated from an outpost on the majestic Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. After a brief stint in DUMBO, we recently settled in to our new studio. It is conveniently located on the top floor of the building we live in. (Go ahead, get jealous. This was one of those lucky timing, plus 5 years of a great relationship with a great landlord, almost impossible to find New York City opportunities).

There are many pluses about the new studio space and the way the proximity has improved our quality of life, but one stands out above them all. We now go home from work to cook and eat lunch.

Last night's kale salad and herb'd new potatoes? Put a fried egg on top and call it today's lunch!

I seem to be able to whip up pretty much anything using the previous night’s leftovers with some salad greens and maybe some goat cheese. Throwing a handful of fresh herbs into any dish gives it new life. And seriously, is there any food that doesn’t taste good with a fried egg on top?

Now you know what to do with that leftover kale salad.

One Response to “Leftovers, Reinvented”

  1. #

    Darius Himes says:

    You’re a lucky man, Mr. T-shirt wearer!

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