After much time wearing an apprentice apron, I’ve graduated to the role of butcher. With this job comes the duty of talking about how to cook meat. I find it funny how much faith people place in me because I … Continue reading…
Meat, Fish and Poultry
Cheap Party Trick: Chicken Liver Mousse

Forget any preconceptions you may have about “liver and onions”, or visions of sad children endlessly chewing and gagging for fear that dessert will be withheld. Imagine instead that you serve up a pretty little terrine of chicken liver mousse … Continue reading…
Sesame and Ginger Chicken Soup

It’s been quite some time since I’ve shared a recipe on this website, but if there was ever a dish for a comeback, this fragrant chicken soup is it. If you’re like me, and are trying to ween yourself off … Continue reading…
Odds, Bits and Balls

When we’re not working on the farm, we’re usually eating. This is my kind of place. Several times a day we gather around the table, and as you might expect, there is plenty of meat, goat milk, cheese and eggs … Continue reading…
Last Minute Inspiration: Grilled Lemongrass Beef Lettuce Wraps

When Brad and I are both working in the studio together, an all too typical evening as we approach dinner time usually goes down like this: While basking in the glow of our computer monitors… 7:14 Me: Hey it’s getting … Continue reading…
Cooking at High Altitude: Amanda’s Green Chili Stew

A few weeks ago Brad and I headed west to spend some time with his family in Colorado and to embark on what has now been deemed our second annual ski trip with Amanda and Alec – Amanda being Brad’s … Continue reading…
Adventures in Duck Ragu

I’ve made this ragu twice in recent weeks. It’s all part of my efforts to cut up and eat whole animals, and my friend and farmer Ray Bradley has been kind enough to hook me up with some very nice … Continue reading…
Slow Food for Slow Days: Braised Cabbage and Stewed Lamb

These first few days of 2012 have felt like a big stretch and yawn as I wake from my holiday hibernation. The week between Christmas and the New Year was full of long restful days. Casual celebrations with family and … Continue reading…
Fish Dinner for 2, Featuring Celery Root!

Ahhh celery root. Or celeriac if you prefer. Such a wonderful fall root vegetable. It is not the root of your average celery stalk as you might think, but rather a celery plant grown for it’s edible root. Recently I … Continue reading…
Hail the weekend, and this Fish Soup!

I for one have had a long week and am happy it’s finally Friday night. If you live in Brooklyn I recommend you do one thing this weekend, go to the Blue Moon Bash. If you don’t live in Brooklyn … Continue reading…