When Brad and I are both working in the studio together, an all too typical evening as we approach dinner time usually goes down like this: While basking in the glow of our computer monitors… 7:14 Me: Hey it’s getting … Continue reading…
Adventures in Grilling: Make Grilled Tomatillo Salsa

It’s been 6 summers now that we’ve been eating every breakfast, dinner, weekend brunch – and now lunch! – outside from from April through October. But last Summer, after several weeks of record-breaking hot days in June, Brad and I … Continue reading…
A Simple Summer Supper, Family Style

Most of the time when I’m cooking for more than 2 people (or 3, as our friend Alexis is a frequent guest at our table), it’s when I’m throwing a dinner party for our food-loving Brooklyn friends. But for the … Continue reading…