Spring is my favorite time of year for eating eggs fresh from the farm. The chickens are feasting on grass and bugs galore and you can taste all the new growth and life in their rich golden yolks. Between the … Continue reading…
Eat Your Greens
Last Minute Inspiration: Grilled Lemongrass Beef Lettuce Wraps

When Brad and I are both working in the studio together, an all too typical evening as we approach dinner time usually goes down like this: While basking in the glow of our computer monitors… 7:14 Me: Hey it’s getting … Continue reading…
Tomatillo Smothered Spinach, Mushroom and Goat Cheese Burritos

Back in September I shared a recipe for a tomatillo sauce. This is one of my late summer/early fall staples that goes in the freezer until it’s time to brighten up winter. The recipe for the sauce is adapted from … Continue reading…
A Warm Winter Salad: Freekeh, Chard and Butternut Squash Salad with Bacon and Roasted Pecans

While I’m freezing my butt off in upstate New York and learning to cut a French rack of lamb ribs, I thought it’d be nice to share a cozy winter recipe. And since I think I’ll be sharing a lot … Continue reading…
Make This Now: Broccoli and Spinach Soup

This is the ultimate health food soup, and it’s also outstanding paired with a golden, gooey, grilled cheese sandwich. Broccoli grows in cool seasons and we see it in the Northeast during Spring and Fall. It’s broccoli season again here … Continue reading…
Home Is Where “The Pasta” Is

Whenever I travel, no matter how far or for how long, I am always happy to return home to my kitchen. Often I’m eager to try new dishes inspired by memorable meals I encountered during my trip, but for the … Continue reading…
Grab Your Spices: Make Swiss Chard and Red Lentil Curry

Last week I had an email conversation with my friend Joe, who knows his way around the kitchen, especially with a dutch oven and a big cut of meat. He told me he was happy to see my Kale Salad … Continue reading…
Kale Salad: The Making Of

Remember when I said I often have the urge to make photo captions based on the song lyrics running through my head? Try this one on for size: “Yeah baby I like it raw”. Seriously, a few years ago I … Continue reading…
Pasta with Spinach, Sun Dried Tomatoes and Pine Nuts
This easy recipe is fresh and delicious served either hot or cold. It’s a great way to kick-off the Spring season when the new spinach and garlic appear at the market. 1lb dried whole wheat pasta (choose a short noodle … Continue reading…
Lentil and Roasted Garlic Soup with Sweet Potato and Kale
The garlic in this recipe takes a little advance planning, but you can make it a day or two ahead while your doing something else in the kitchen and after that, the recipe is a piece of cake. I have … Continue reading…